Tariff for Sailing Contributions on Nancy Blackett

  • Short sail/evening sail – sail up to 4 hours: £20 per adult
  • Day sail – from 4 hours up to 9 hours: £27 per adult
  • Cruises – at least 1 day (including sleeping on board): £40 per adult per day (all days)
  • For all the above – young persons up to 18 years old (or up to 24 years old in full time education): Free
  • Skippers and mates induction and training days: £27 per head
  • Minimum cruising charge if discounts apply: £40 per day (excluding day sails)


Day sails: Day sails will be available between the hours of 0800 and 1700 with start and finish times agreed with the skipper. Finish times must allow for cleaning and closing down the boat.

Cruises: A cruise is a trip of at least 1 day, including sleeping aboard.

  • Cruises will begin at 0830 or another agreed time on the first day and finish by 1600 on the last day to allow time for cleaning and closing down the boat (weather and tides permitting).
  • The daily cruising rate applies to all days or part-days of the cruise.
  • If available and requested with the booking, and subject to conditions, members may arrange to stay aboard on either the night before the first day of the cruise or on the final night afterwards free of charge.
    • If staying both nights then the £27 staying aboard rate will apply to the second night.
    • The boat must be vacated by 0900 the following morning.

Extended cruises over several weeks: e.g. in Holland, will be costed and all expenses budgeted for with sailing contributions calculated accordingly to guard against losses. Youth activities should be treated similarly taking account of YSF contributions if applicable.

Berthing and fuel costs:

  • Berthing charges will be met by the Trust.
  • Lamp oil, stove fuel and diesel for all voyages will be at the Trust’s expense. Skippers must replenish diesel and consumables wherever possible.

Non-members are allowed on short taster sails as guests of the Trust. All others sailing must either be members or part of a member’s immediate family accompanied by the member. (Father, mother, child, or grandchild, spouse).

Membership: To qualify for sailing, members must be registered for at least two days before sailing. Those sailing as guests should be encouraged to take membership beforehand.