These are the booking conditions for Nancy Blackett cruises and day-sails. You can either scroll down the page or go directly to each section by clicking on or touching the relevant links below:
Conditions of booking Nancy Blackett cruises and day-sails
- The Trust
- Adequate clothing
- Booking
- Cancellation
- Eating and dietary requirements
- Interruption
- Medical conditions and disabilities
- Payments
- Personal possessions
- Timings
- Your safety
- Cancellation.
Conditions of booking Nancy Blackett cruises and day-sails
The Trust
The Nancy Blackett Trust is a Members Club and as such all who sail on her must have been members for at least two days before sailing. Named members of your immediate family are automatically enrolled when you join the Trust. Children aged under 14 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult.
A modest sailing contribution, which varies from time to time, is made per person for sailing on Nancy Blackett. Charges apply to all adults sailing and over 18s unless in full time education. These go into the sailing fund and are used towards the costs of sailing i.e. fuel, other consumables, berthing and some maintenance consequent upon the sailing.
Booking is made through the Sailing Secretary, who will try to match your preferred dates depending upon Nancy Blackett’s programme, but may offer alternative dates. Please note that for day sails Nancy Blackett has capacity for only four people in addition to the skipper and mate. For cruises the limit is two plus the skipper and mate.
By arrangement, at the time of booking a cruise and if available, and you are an experienced Nancy Blackett sailor, or with the skipper or mate aboard, you may stay aboard the night before or after your cruise. One extra night will be free of charge. A second night will require an additional contribution to the Trust’s funds. The boat must be left clean and tidy and vacated by 0900 the following morning.
Sailing contributions fall due immediately at the end of your cruise and may be paid either directly to the Treasurer or to your skipper, either by cheque payable to ‘The Nancy Blackett Trust’ or by bank transfer. Your skipper will give you the Treasurer’s address and the bank details.
Your safety
The Trust will provide an experienced skipper and a mate for your cruise. For those not familiar with yachts, there are risks associated with sailing of which you may not be aware. Sailing is not dangerous provided that you listen carefully to the safety briefing that you will receive and abide by it and especially, if a parent, make sure that your children keep to the rules. Follow the skipper’s instructions at all times.
- Day sails: Unless agreed otherwise, day-sails will be between the hours of 0800 and 1700 or earlier finish to allow time for cleaning and closing down the boat.
- Cruises: Cruises will begin at 0830 or other agreed time on the first day and finish by 1600 on the last day. (Weather and tides permitting)
If, in the case of bad weather or for any other reason, the skipper decides that it is not safe to proceed with the voyage or postpones the start of the cruise or interrupts the cruise at another port, then their decision is final.
The skipper will then make every effort to help you to make transport arrangements as necessary but, if the yacht does not return to either its port of departure or planned destination, then you will be responsible for alternative transport and any associated costs.
It is not possible to guarantee precise arrival times at the destination or home port. Nor is it always possible to drop you off at a particular place from which you may have booked tickets without first discussing it with your skipper. Please remember this when making your travel arrangements.
Adequate clothing
The Trust provides lifejackets, including children’s sizes, but not waterproofs. You must provide adequate warm and waterproof clothing for all members of your party. It is often much colder on the water than ashore and you will be in the elements for potentially several hours. Inappropriately dressed members may not be allowed to sail if the skipper feels that is necessary. In hot weather you will need sunscreen and a hat.
Eating and special dietary requirements
The cost of food and drink is normally shared by the skipper and crew. Talk to your skipper beforehand about catering arrangements, especially any allergies or special diets. For day sails you should bring your own packed lunch.
Personal possessions
The Trust will not be responsible for the loss of any personal items during your stay nor for any of your own items left on board when you leave. If such items are subsequently returned to you, you may be asked to pay for the postage.
Basis of sailing contributions
If you leave the yacht part way through a cruise:
If you booked for only part of the time, then you pay a contribution for the days you booked.
If you booked for the whole voyage but leave early, then the full sailing contribution for the whole voyage is still payable.
The full amount of sailing contribution per day is due except:
When Nancy Blackett is not available or not serviceable for more than half a day, then a pro-rata reduction will apply.
When Nancy Blackett is storm-bound in port for more than 40% of the time you have booked, then you should pay only for the days spent sailing.
If the entire cruise is cancelled or abandoned before the start, then no contribution will be owed.
If you are forced to leave through family or personal emergencies.
Medical conditions and disabilities
If you have any condition that might affect your mobility or that may require medication or medical attention during a voyage, then you must discuss this with the Sailing Secretary before confirming your booking. This will not necessarily prevent you from sailing.
If you cancel your booking less than one month before your stay begins, then the full amount of the contribution will remain payable to the Trust as we may have reorganised other activities to fit in with your plans.
If Nancy Blackett becomes unavailable for any reason, you will not be charged and we will do our best to arrange an alternative date for you.