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Photos: Nancy Blackett returns to Woodbridge

by Nancy Blackett

Nancy Blackett completed a successful delivery trip to her winter home at Woodbridge on Sunday morning. She departed from Woolverstone at 7:30am with a crew of two onboard, arriving at lunchtime at Woodbridge, being met by a welcome group of some Trust members. Some photos of the day are below…

Photo: Peter Duck on the River Deben

by Nancy Blackett

Peter Duck, once owned by Swallows and Amazons author Arthur Ransome (and now owned by another well-known writer, book reviewer and publisher Julia Jones) was spotted last week moored on the River Deben at Woodbridge by James Mitchell…

Swallow visits the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow at Windermere Jetty

by Nancy Blackett

Swallow from the original Swallows and Amazons film visited the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow at Windermere Jetty on Tuesday. Rob Boden took her along while filming was taking place, and enjoyed answering questions from art expert Rupert Maas about how she was acquired at auction in 2010 (with some assistance from the Nancy Blackett Trust) and […]

Photos: Nancy Blackett returns to Woolverstone

by Nancy Blackett

Nancy Blackett successfully returned to Woolverstone Marina yesterday, courtesy of skipper Robin Sadler and his daughter. Following some intense preparations behind the scenes from other Trust volunteers, they set sail from Woodbridge yesterday at 1445 in fair conditions, arriving at Woolverstone at 1945.  Robin has kindly supplied the following photos of the trip…

Photos: Nancy Blackett back in the water

by Nancy Blackett

Nancy Blackett has at last been relaunched, and is currently moored at Robertson’s boatyard where she will be allowed time to ‘take up’ as planks adjust after months of drying out – lately in very hot weather – ashore, which has resulted in some small leaks in the hull. Peter Willis and Neil Brooks have […]

Letters and quotes from fans of the original Swallows and Amazons film

by Nancy Blackett

Sophie Neville, who played Titty Walker in the original Swallows and Amazons film (currently on the BBC), presents a selection of viewer letters and quotations received following the TV broadcast this April, together with some more behind-the-scenes photos of the film… I have just been watching on BBC catch-up, the famous and wonderfully entertaining film ‘Swallows and […]

Photo story: Nancy Blackett’s last sail of the season

by Nancy Blackett

Nancy Blackett successfully made her way from Woolverstone to Woodbridge this weekend, in advance of her end-of-season liftout. Saturday lunchtime saw her moored to a buoy in Bathside Bay, Harwich, before slipping over the Deben Bar mid-afternoon before a well-earned crew dinner at the Maybush, Waldringfield. This afternoon saw her motoring upriver to Woodbridge Tide […]

Inside the Dog’s Home from “The Picts and the Martyrs”

by Nancy Blackett

Earlier this month the intrepid Jon Porter, following in the footsteps of author Marc Grimston, explored inside and around the Dog’s Home, the small stone hut in woods that was a location in The Picts and the Martyrs, the eleventh and last completed book set in the Lakes in the Swallows and Amazons series. Jon has kindly provided […]

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