Nancy Blackett is currently having extensive restoration work carried out for the second year in succession at King’s boatyard in Pin Mill.

It’s part of a phased programme which started during last year’s winter lay-up with work on the port-side cockpit coaming and cabin side, plus adjacent areas.

This required sourcing of Brazilian Mahogany (rare these days, and hence expensive!) and the Nancy Blackett Trust, with Kings, acquired enough wood to cover replacement of the starboard side equivalents this winter. Removal of the old pieces – seen hanging in the shed’s rafters – revealed, and enabled access to – other parts of the coachroof structure which are also receiving attention.

In addition, the main cross-beam immediately abaft the mast, which showed up some localised rot last year, has now been condemned and is being replaced (the ‘official number’ will be carved-in before Nancy Blackett is relaunched!). 

And examination by our Surveyor, James Pratt, showed up rot in the stem, which is also being seen to (bottom photo). Attention to this work may mean putting Nancy Blackett’s relaunch date back a few weeks, but she will be sailing, and available to Trust members, on the Orwell next summer.

If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of Nancy Blackett’s preservation, please see here…. or to join the Trust, and sail Nancy Blackett yourself, see here.

Story by Peter Willis, with photos by Peter Wills (1) and Carl Ranger (2-5).