A memorial tribute to the life and work of the late Richard Pilbrow, producer of the original Swallows and Amazons film, was held last month (May 2024) at National Theatre in London.

The presentation was put together by his son, Fred Pilbrow, who invited Sophie Neville (who played Titty Walker in the film) to contribute to it, together with the most talented technicians in the theatre world.

The Richard Pilbrow Memorial (Photo: Sophie Neville)

You can now watch the full memorial recording on YouTube (below) – Sophie’s contribution starts here at 1 hour, 15 minutes in.

Sophie described it as “a fitting tribute to the man who lit up the lives of many and produced a movie that apparently has been broadcast on television more than any other British film, and fifty years after the premier in Shaftesbury Avenue is streaming on Amazon today.”

Sophie Neville speaking at the Richard Pilbrow Memorial.

You can read more about Richard Pilbrow in Sophie’s story of the Making of Swallows and Amazons, available from the Nancy Blackett Shop

An audiobook version is also available on Audible.

Adapted from the original post by Sophie Neville published in May 2024.