From the makers of Walton’s Secret Water, this new film, A Journey Through Constable Country, takes the viewer on an exploration of the countryside around the Stour and Orwell that inspired John Constable, one of East Anglia’s greatest painters, visiting the landscapes, towns and villages that he loved around the Stour and Orwell estuaries and further afield in Suffolk and Essex.

Narrator Victoria Lampard (from ITV News Anglia) conducts us through Dedham and Dedham Vale, East Bergholt, Flatford and Stratford St Mary, to Roman Colchester, Wivenhoe, Brantham, Manningtree, Mistley, Lawford and Harwich, then up into Suffolk, via Pin Mill to Ipswich, Nayland, Stoke by Nayland, Hadleigh, Kersey, Boxford, Lavenham, Long Melford and Sudbury.

The film’s producer, David Webb was born in Mistley and in his youth explored these areas by bicycle. As a staff member at the BBC he won a gold award fro his documentary work.

You can now buy A Journey Through Constable Country from the Nancy Blackett Shop for £14.99 plus delivery.