Sophie Neville, who played Titty Walker in the original Swallows and Amazons film (currently on the BBC), presents a selection of viewer letters and quotations received following the TV broadcast this April, together with some more behind-the-scenes photos of the film…

I have just been watching on BBC catch-up, the famous and wonderfully entertaining film ‘Swallows and Amazons’. As a 12 year old boy in 1974, my little brother and I were taken to watch the James Bond film ‘Live and Let Die’ in Coulsdon. As we sat down to watch it we found ourselves sat at the wrong place. We were so upset! When the film ‘Swallows and Amazons’ started playing we totally forgot about 007 and found ourselves glued to the screen watching this wonderfully entertaining film. In short, even at 58 years of age I still enjoy this beautiful film about four children and their adventures. – George

AsASwallows and Amazons 1974

My best lockdown viewing so far has been the 1974 film version of Arthur Ransome’s ‘Swallows and Amazons‘. Reliving the joy of discovering those books, and remembering the freedom of grubbing about in the wildness… – Judy Darley

Virginia McKenna as mother in Swallows and Amazons

Never read Arthur Ransome’s ‘Swallows & Amazons’ or seen an adaptation until yesterday. What a delight the 1974 film was. Captured the spirit of childhood adventure so charmingly. Didn’t stop smiling for a moment during the whole thing. – David Rattigan

Sophie Neville as Titty on Peel island

Watching the original ‘Swallows and Amazons’ with daughter. Get to the “better drowned than duffers, if not duffers won’t drown” telegram and daughter remarks: “I see. So their dad’s gone mad and is writing gibberish.” Patrick Kidd – Times Diaryist 

Filming Swallows and Amazons on Peel Island in 1973

Ooh. The original ‘Swallows and Amazons’ has come onto Amazon Prime. The one with Titty. The real one. The only one.

Claude Whatham in 1973

Best children’s film ever made. Perfect lockdown viewing – Tim Bonner

Sophie Neville as Titty getting her makeup done

The Making of Swallows and Amazons (1974) by Sophie Neville. (Click to enlarge)

Now do these…

The original version of this story was published by Sophie Neville in May 2020.