Sophie Neville, who played Titty Walker in the original Swallows and Amazons film (currently on the BBC), has gathered a selection of public comments received during the TV broadcast this April, together with some more newly released behind-the-scenes photos of the film…
‘Hurrah!’ – an anonymous BBC presenter cried.
The definitive adaptation of Arthur Ransome’s Swallows & Amazons is on BBC Two. More people than ever seemed to watch the classic film, starring Virginia McKenna, which attracted comments on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram while emails were being sent in. – RTE Guide
Off to the Lakes! – Gabrielle Baalke
Swallows and Amazons on BBC2 today! Break out the grog and pemmican. Stay home and watch this excellent film adaptation today… – M.J. Probyn
Just what we need in these extraordinary times… – Graeme Wood
…such a well loved film – John Greenhough
And Swallows and Amazons is on! A very very early cinema memory for me; I saw it in Hereford and was given a colouring in picture of the Amazons hiding in the reeds watching Swallow. – Dr Lucie Bea D
I’ve just enjoyed watching the film on TV again (I watch it every time!) I can remember watching the film in 1974 with my mum and grandma when I was a nine or ten year old, at the then called Mecca Cinema in Horsham, Sussex (sadly now demolished) I remember loving the natural setting and the adventure in the film and remember it being thrilling and suspenseful! Still my favourite film, so cheerful and uplifting. The lovely music! All still brings a tear to my eye. Back then in the 70s we didn’t have the lakes but at every opportunity our little band of local children would run off over the fields playing, building camps and climbing trees in the woods -such happy, carefree days. Been looking at your website too – what a huge resource about the film – good time at the moment to look through it! Thank you for all the information and being in such a happy film – John Rose
I spent my summers up in the Lake District as a boy and love the book. I’ve loved it all my life. I remember my dad rowing me out to an island on lake Windermere and showing me holes in trees, he said they’re from arrows!!!!!! It was only yesterday as far as I’m concerned. – Michael
Swallows and Amazons was one of my all time favourites as a child, it was an adventure that seemed more attainable than famous five etc. I really hope my son loves it as much as I did when he’s older…. I adore lake Coniston. Even in high summer that water is icy and very deep innocent happy times… I‘ve tried to sail out to the island on Coniston Water but there wasn’t enough wind so didn’t quite make it. I collected a fair few of the books in my 20s, brings back lots of memories – Peter Hamilton
It’s such a good film. Doesn’t feel dated at all, to me. – Duncan Hall
…something timeless about the film. I can happily sit and watch it any time – Peter Ashby
Just goes to show how timeless the story is. It’s a lovely film. As a kid I wanted to jump through the TV screen and join in (ditto the BBC adaptations of Coot Club and The Big Six). Hopefully kids will watch and want to read the books. – Graeme Wood
I also had a wooden swing that collapsed so I turned it into a boat, with broom handle and sheet mast and sail. Guess which books were played out – Swallows and Amazons! It was by a laurel hedge and the leaves made great fish to be cooked on pretend fires! – Maddy Knibb

Read this to all my children when they were toddlers. And saw the film in 1974 myself. Perfect opportunity for children to replicate #WildcatIsland with homemade tents in the living room. – Glenn Evans

Remember watching the boats on the lake being being filmed from my bedroom window – what a lovely way to slip back into my childhood. – Jude
The most classic, and my favourite quote: “I’ll shiver your timbers for you if you don’t stop chattering Peggy!” – Mandy MorleyThe Portway Press also contained a link to the children’s classic ‘Swallows and Amazons‘ film – an excellent watch in this wet weather. – Portway Junior School

Love that music SO much… proper scenic escapism for cooped up people…! – Alice ShelmerdineI

Fantastic – thank you! And since your message earlier, my husband has bought me ‘The Making of Swallows and Amazons’. – Anna
I love the backstory of this film and so… I took a 1-minute detour from watching and just purchased the Kindle version of The Secrets of Filming Swallows & Amazons!– Gabrielle Baalke
It’s on my wishlist already! I think you were fabulous as Titty. – MarshManJimbo

Now get these…
- The original Swallows and Amazons film is available on BBC iPlayer until 16th May 2020.
- The remastered DVD of the film is available from Amazon.
- Sophie Neville’s book about The Making of Swallows and Amazons is available from our Nancy Blackett shop.
The original version of this story was published by Sophie Neville in April 2020.
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